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Daily Devotion

Day 1 – A Sign that is Consistent

Day 1 – A Sign that is Consistent

Isaiah 7:14 14 Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.     Signs. Those are the things people are always looking for, especially when they need to confirm something....

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Why want what other’s have?

Why want what other’s have?

  *Singing Praises when it's Hard...These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here.  Verse of...

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Singing Praises when its Hard

Singing Praises when its Hard

  *Singing Praises when it's Hard...These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here. For audio...

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Letting God Take Control

Letting God Take Control

People that know me, understand that I like to plan and be in control, whether it is personal or work related. So, having to give up all control to the Lord at first was hard. But…honestly what else could I do?

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