As the home trends evolve we have also seen home trends go. Here are some of the most outdated trends right now. Let me know if you agree or no?
10. Glossy wooden floors – To be honest I haven’t seen anyone with those type of floors unless it’s in a mature mature older couple home 😂 so yes that does scream outdated lol.
9. Heavy Drapes – Now I can completely agree with this one. Heavy dark beaded drapes make the room so dark!! Open up the floor by simple beautiful straight line drapes. Shop some great options. Click HERE
8. Raised bar counter – I honestly hate those too! They look old and just don’t make a lot of sense anymore. The bar counter is super high and you usually can’t touch the group when you sit. Little tough at times especially when you are short.
7. Popcorn ceilings – I am guilty of this. I’m working to remove that stuff ASAP. It just collects dust and it makes you feel you are in a 1970s/1980s home for sure.
6. Outdated paint colors in multi rooms – I am not a huge fan of a house having different color rooms unless there is a real hardcore theme or something in the room. But having a room being like green, another being yellow and the other room being pink. That multi room thing is out and so glad it is 😂
5. Bed in a Bag – I used to love these. But let’s be clear here…I mean the bed in a bag where every thing is the same print: the 4 pillows, bed skirt, comforter etc is ALL printed green and yellow plaid😂 Too much right? Lol. Check out some nice bedding options below:
4. Word Art – I always found these super cute but I’m now not into it as much. Having a broad word just isn’t enough anymore. I feel like the lettering on walls was part of the modern farmhouse concept so it was everywhere. If you have lettering on the wall it has to flow and make sense. And no I’m not talking about framed quotes etc. Check out some of my favorite framed quotes below:
3. Frosted yellow lighting – aka especially the yellow lights or just frosted bulbs all together. I hate them. I can’t see with them. They need to go if you can afford it. My life is better without them. Also yellow lights outside attract many bugs especially termites so I’m not a fan. Yellow lighting reflecting off of dark wooden furniture I just hate 😝 Shop some of my favorite lighting
2. Big Glass Blocks – I just really don’t like this anymore. You know exactly when this was installed in your home if you have one…1970s or 1980s 😂
- Themed Decor – Now if it has memories and emotional attachment you can possibly get a pass. But if your house or a room is themed in fishing and your lamps are all fishing then yeah it might need to be retired lol. Or your kitchen is all cow themed it’s a bit dated. I’m not referring to a nursery. That’s where a themed decor is cool! But if you like birds and everything thing from lamps to couch has bird print…it’s time for a change.
So do you agree? Share your favorite outdated home trends!
Jessi Morgan