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"A House is made with walls and beams; a home is built with love and dreams." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


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Welcome to my home away from home! My name is Jessi Morgan, and I am a home decor blogger since 2020. We bought a 1970s fixer upper and we are slowly renovating it to bring it into the present. What a journey on a budget. I have such a love for interior design and excite to share my journey with my house. Also, check out my pillar for lifestyle that focuses on my Christian faith if you have a moment too. Learn about our reno, decor style, my faith-based podcast and me a bit. Explore!!




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Why want what other’s have?

Why want what other’s have?

  *Singing Praises when it's Hard...These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here.  Verse of the Day: Psalm 34:1 "I will...

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Singing Praises when its Hard

Singing Praises when its Hard

  *Singing Praises when it's Hard...These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here. For audio version check out Podcast form...

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Beautiful Baby Girl Nursery

Beautiful Baby Girl Nursery

Welp how did we get here? Lol. Excited about my beautiful baby girl nursery. We themed it after Minnie & Mickey Mouse and I am in love with it. I will get to those details in another post.  It’s so crazy what this room has turned into. It was honestly my least favorite room in the house other...

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Functional and beautiful Dry Bar

Functional and beautiful Dry Bar

Having a functional and beautiful dry bar in our home was what we were wanting for so long. My husband and I decided to finally go for it due to our daughter being born. We originally had the dry bar that came with the house in the family room that did not have storage and not physically...

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