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Interior Design

White & nude furniture…Is it worth it?

White & nude furniture…Is it worth it?

White, nude and light furniture? Is it worth it? I always in the past questioned if I should go that route. I grew up in a household where white was the enemy and to never purchase things that are white because every blemish will show. Affiliate links are used in this...

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Reno Update: The Kitchen

Reno Update: The Kitchen

As some of you know my husband and I bought our first home back in September 2020. The home is a fixer upper and does need some work. Whenever you buy an older home you have to be able to see the potential and have a bit of patience. The first thing that needed to be...

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Jessi’s I Love Places…The Palm Tree Dining Room

Jessi’s I Love Places…The Palm Tree Dining Room

"Ok here is the dining room," said Lynette as she was walking me into this space. I was completely blown away that a room could be so impactful, striking and subtle at the same time. How in the world could that be? Now, this is one of the most compelling and bold...

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