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*Singing Praises when it’s Hard…These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here. 

Verse of the Day: Psalm 34:1

“I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Do you sing praises when it’s hard?


When things take a downturn, do you find solace in song? It may seem odd to ask, but do you sing, scream, or yell when life throws a curveball your way? After a breakup, do you find yourself turning to a melancholic tune to ease the pain? I have.

Today’s reflection has stirred something deep within me, prompting me to ponder these questions.

Today’s Scripture passage from Acts 16:22-25 recounts the harrowing ordeal of the apostle Paul and his companion Silas as they faced persecution while spreading the Gospel.

Key Passages: Acts 16:22-25 NLT

[22] A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. [23] They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn’t escape. [24] So the jailer put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. [25] Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. …

If you don’t know about the life of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, this man wrote more than 50% of it. Paul was a staple in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ being the Savior. And at times, it was not a good experience. As you can see, he and his right-hand man, Silas, were beaten and throw into jail because of what they were teaching. As they sat in jail, they praised God by singing hymns.

The resilience displayed by Paul and Silas recalls a poignant story from my grandparents’ experience during Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

It just destroyed the Florida Keys, Homestead and much more. My grandparents lived near Homestead, and for the Hurricane they decided to stay in the area with their close friend from church named Sue at her townhouse.

As the hurricane was coming towards the home, my grandfather noticed the front door hinges were starting to lift due to the winds. He ran to the door and grabbed onto the handles for dear life. My grandmother and their friend raced over, and each took over holding on to a handle as my grandfather decided to stick his food under the door to hold it in.

The three of them stood there in fear and pain for hours as they prayed that those doors wouldn’t blow away. If the doors were blown away, we would have lost my grandparents immediately.

My grandfather’s foot was starting to bleed as he held in that door and suddenly the roof came off as they stood there now soaked in their clothes. My grandmother started to cry at first and then she started singing a church hymn. Yes, singing. She sang “How Great Thou Art.”

She then stopped and my grandfather looked at her and said “No, don’t stop, keep singing.” So, she continued, and my grandfather and their friend Sue joined in. They sang together for about 20 minutes and suddenly the doors stopped shaking. My grandfather finally could remove his foot which was extremely bruised at this point. He turned around and there in the corner of the living was a yellow rope.

My grandfather was able to tie the rope around the front doorknobs to make sure the doors stay secured till the storm ended. What a miracle for that rope to just appear. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

God protected and blessed my grandparents that day because they called on the Lord and praised Him in their darkest moment in life through song. I can’t even imagine singing at a time like that, but they did. Praising God at a challenging moment like that is hard but God will hear you and deliver.

Reflecting on this story, I’m reminded of the power of praise and song in the midst of adversity. While I might have succumbed to tears, my grandparents chose to lift their voices in song, finding strength in their faith.

So, what song comes to mind when you are need of comfort or support from God? Share your favorite ones below.

Top 4 Songs that I find comfort in:

  1. Brighter Day – Kirk Franklin

  2. Victory – Yolanda Adams

  3. I can Only Imagine – Mercy Me

  4. Together Again – Janet Jackson (yes this is non-christian but I love it!)


*Singing Praises when it’s Hard…These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here. For audio version check out Podcast form below…

Verse of the Day: Psalm 34:1

“I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Do you sing praises when it’s hard?


When things take a downturn, do you find solace in song? It may seem odd to ask, but do you sing, scream, or yell when life throws a curveball your way? After a breakup, do you find yourself turning to a melancholic tune to ease the pain? I have.

Today’s reflection has stirred something deep within me, prompting me to ponder these questions.

Today’s Scripture passage from Acts 16:22-25 recounts the harrowing ordeal of the apostle Paul and his companion Silas as they faced persecution while spreading the Gospel.

Key Passages: Acts 16:22-25 NLT

[22] A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. [23] They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn’t escape. [24] So the jailer put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. [25] Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. …

If you don’t know about the life of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, this man wrote more than 50% of it. Paul was a staple in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ being the Savior. And at times, it was not a good experience. As you can see, he and his right-hand man, Silas, were beaten and throw into jail because of what they were teaching. As they sat in jail, they praised God by singing hymns.

The resilience displayed by Paul and Silas recalls a poignant story from my grandparents’ experience during Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

It just destroyed the Florida Keys, Homestead and much more. My grandparents lived near Homestead, and for the Hurricane they decided to stay in the area with their close friend from church named Sue at her townhouse.

As the hurricane was coming towards the home, my grandfather noticed the front door hinges were starting to lift due to the winds. He ran to the door and grabbed onto the handles for dear life. My grandmother and their friend raced over, and each took over holding on to a handle as my grandfather decided to stick his food under the door to hold it in.

The three of them stood there in fear and pain for hours as they prayed that those doors wouldn’t blow away. If the doors were blown away, we would have lost my grandparents immediately.

My grandfather’s foot was starting to bleed as he held in that door and suddenly the roof came off as they stood there now soaked in their clothes. My grandmother started to cry at first and then she started singing a church hymn. Yes, singing. She sang “How Great Thou Art.”

She then stopped and my grandfather looked at her and said “No, don’t stop, keep singing.” So, she continued, and my grandfather and their friend Sue joined in. They sang together for about 20 minutes and suddenly the doors stopped shaking. My grandfather finally could remove his foot which was extremely bruised at this point. He turned around and there in the corner of the living was a yellow rope.

My grandfather was able to tie the rope around the front doorknobs to make sure the doors stay secured till the storm ended. What a miracle for that rope to just appear. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

God protected and blessed my grandparents that day because they called on the Lord and praised Him in their darkest moment in life through song. I can’t even imagine singing at a time like that, but they did. Praising God at a challenging moment like that is hard but God will hear you and deliver.

Reflecting on this story, I’m reminded of the power of praise and song in the midst of adversity. While I might have succumbed to tears, my grandparents chose to lift their voices in song, finding strength in their faith.

So, what song comes to mind when you are need of comfort or support from God? Share your favorite ones below.

Top 4 Songs that I find comfort in:

  1. Brighter Day – Kirk Franklin

  2. Victory – Yolanda Adams

  3. I can Only Imagine – Mercy Me

  4. Together Again – Janet Jackson (yes this is non-christian but I love it!)

Be Blessed & Be Encouraged,



Jessi Morgan

Singing Praises when its Hard

Singing Praises when its Hard

PODCAST option for Audio version of blog post


*Singing Praises when it’s Hard…These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here. For audio version check out Podcast form below…

Verse of the Day: Psalm 34:1

“I will bless the Lord at all times; his praise shall continually be in my mouth.”

Do you sing praises when it’s hard?


When things take a downturn, do you find solace in song? It may seem odd to ask, but do you sing, scream, or yell when life throws a curveball your way? After a breakup, do you find yourself turning to a melancholic tune to ease the pain? I have.

Today’s reflection has stirred something deep within me, prompting me to ponder these questions.

Today’s Scripture passage from Acts 16:22-25 recounts the harrowing ordeal of the apostle Paul and his companion Silas as they faced persecution while spreading the Gospel.

Key Passages: Acts 16:22-25 NLT

[22] A mob quickly formed against Paul and Silas, and the city officials ordered them stripped and beaten with wooden rods. [23] They were severely beaten, and then they were thrown into prison. The jailer was ordered to make sure they didn’t escape. [24] So the jailer put them into the inner dungeon and clamped their feet in the stocks. [25] Around midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening. …

If you don’t know about the life of the Apostle Paul in the New Testament, this man wrote more than 50% of it. Paul was a staple in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ being the Savior. And at times, it was not a good experience. As you can see, he and his right-hand man, Silas, were beaten and throw into jail because of what they were teaching. As they sat in jail, they praised God by singing hymns.

The resilience displayed by Paul and Silas recalls a poignant story from my grandparents’ experience during Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

It just destroyed the Florida Keys, Homestead and much more. My grandparents lived near Homestead, and for the Hurricane they decided to stay in the area with their close friend from church named Sue at her townhouse.

As the hurricane was coming towards the home, my grandfather noticed the front door hinges were starting to lift due to the winds. He ran to the door and grabbed onto the handles for dear life. My grandmother and their friend raced over, and each took over holding on to a handle as my grandfather decided to stick his food under the door to hold it in.

The three of them stood there in fear and pain for hours as they prayed that those doors wouldn’t blow away. If the doors were blown away, we would have lost my grandparents immediately.

My grandfather’s foot was starting to bleed as he held in that door and suddenly the roof came off as they stood there now soaked in their clothes. My grandmother started to cry at first and then she started singing a church hymn. Yes, singing. She sang “How Great Thou Art.”

She then stopped and my grandfather looked at her and said “No, don’t stop, keep singing.” So, she continued, and my grandfather and their friend Sue joined in. They sang together for about 20 minutes and suddenly the doors stopped shaking. My grandfather finally could remove his foot which was extremely bruised at this point. He turned around and there in the corner of the living was a yellow rope.

My grandfather was able to tie the rope around the front doorknobs to make sure the doors stay secured till the storm ended. What a miracle for that rope to just appear. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

God protected and blessed my grandparents that day because they called on the Lord and praised Him in their darkest moment in life through song. I can’t even imagine singing at a time like that, but they did. Praising God at a challenging moment like that is hard but God will hear you and deliver.

Reflecting on this story, I’m reminded of the power of praise and song in the midst of adversity. While I might have succumbed to tears, my grandparents chose to lift their voices in song, finding strength in their faith.

So, what song comes to mind when you are need of comfort or support from God? Share your favorite ones below.

Top 4 Songs that I find comfort in:

  1. Brighter Day – Kirk Franklin

  2. Victory – Yolanda Adams

  3. I can Only Imagine – Mercy Me

  4. Together Again – Janet Jackson (yes this is non-christian but I love it!)

Be Blessed & Be Encouraged,



Jessi Morgan

Beautiful Baby Girl Nursery

Beautiful Baby Girl Nursery

Welp how did we get here? Lol. Excited about my beautiful baby girl nursery. We themed it after Minnie & Mickey Mouse and I am in love with it. I will get to those details in another post. 

It’s so crazy what this room has turned into. It was honestly my least favorite room in the house other than our master bathroom. And that’s saying a lot. Here are the major changes we did to the room:

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1. Removed the popcorn ceilings – OMG. I am still in awe of this! What a difference! Popcorn ceilings also are known to collect dust. I can feel the difference in the room with it being removed. Also having a smooth ceiling made the room feel bigger. 

2. Paint – Of course we painted the room and we painted it a warm beige color. It did not disappoint. Beige colors resemble calmness and simplicity which is what I wanted. 

*Interior Decorating Lesson – Paint a bedroom a color that can grow up with your child. As your child matures, the items in the room mature and the wall color just grows with them vs having to update constantly. 

3. New Floors – I am so happy we updated the floors. The floors before were a cheap vinyl that felt plastic like honestly. I hated the color too, too much much of a red tone to it. The new color is more neutral and again can grow up with my daughter. It’s scratch resistant and water resistance. Two things you should consider when having children in my opinion. 


4. Updated closet – I am so in love with her closet. It just finished the space and I am excited for her to grow into it as well. We used California Closets and I just appreciate the quality and how it will transform as she grows up. My favorite feature is the installed hamper. I just adore that. In the future she won’t a random hamper taking up space in her room. 

5. Light fixture – Yea this room had a switch with no light fixture connected. It was such a dark room and I was so excited when my cousin came down, and cut a hole in the ceiling and installed the most beautiful light fixture/fan. I look at it daily and it just beautifully elevated the room. 


I have so many more things to share about her nursery! More to come on how I made the space functional. Shop some items below 

More details to come! Follow me LTK shop for more details on my home! If you want a virtual tour CLICK HERE



Jessi Morgan

Functional and beautiful Dry Bar

Functional and beautiful Dry Bar

Having a functional and beautiful dry bar in our home was what we were wanting for so long. My husband and I decided to finally go for it due to our daughter being born. We originally had the dry bar that came with the house in the family room that did not have storage and not physically appealing. As our daughter gets older and has friends over, we did not want to have the hang out room with easy access to the liquor!

After we decided to move it, we went with an experienced carpenter to build exactly what we wanted, no DIY here. Here is a list of what we went with for our dry bar and why we adore it so much! 

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1. Curved countertop edge – Having that curved countertop edges on our bar just elevates the space and screams luxury to me! We adore it. It is also a nice safety thing when having kids as well. Curved countertop edges fit our home decor aesthetic of modern contemporary too.

2. Wood textured cabinets – At first I wanted black cabinets but my husband found it to be too dark, so we compromised by going for a dark wood color. I adore these cabinets, and the gold handles compliment them well. I also appreciate how these type of cabinets goes with a contemporary look to a traditional type of home aesthetic.


3. Stunning open shelf – I wanted to have just one open shelf with a lighter wood finish. This way the bar would  not look too heavy. By having contrast with the dark cabinets it elevates the space and brings the entire look together. We placed our best glassware on the shelf.

4. Glassware Cabinet Doors – This is by far the best feature of the bar. We love the glass doors we installed. This was a great way to display most of our beautiful liquor bottles at once as well as our wine glasses.


6. Wine & Beverage Cooler – We gave our carpenter the exact measurements of the cooler we wanted for the bar and he built the bar perfectly so we can slide the cooler in easily. Having a cooler that can hold wine and regular beverages was perfect for us.


6. Countertop veining – I adore our veining on the countertops. It has a gold and beige color veining that goes well with the color of the cabinets and the handles.

shop my home here.

If you take some of these tips, it could really change the dynamic of your home. Also, shop my home here. Details on Post here



Jessi Morgan

Letting God Take Control

Letting God Take Control

 *Letting God take Control…These devotions are inspired by the Word of God as well as my own personal experiences. Yes, I am still a Home Decor Blogger but I am excited to share another part of my lifestyle, my faith. Thank you for being here. For audio version check out Podcast form below…

Verse of the Day: Proverbs 3:5-6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart;

do not depend on your own understanding.

Seek his will in all you do,

and he will show you which path to take.


Ever lost control of a situation and you finally decided to let God take control?


It’s crazy how a traumatic experience can bring you back to reality. For me it had to be the birth of my daughter. For people that don’t know, my daughter was born 4 months early with a bacteria infection. She had a 20% chance of living. I never knew that a 23 week old baby can survive even. I was always told that the earliest babies to survive was between 27-28 weeks.  

Next, the NICU team came in, they told me they had experience saving a 23 weeker. My doctor asked us if we were willing to do everything possible to save her. Of course we were willing! 

After, they bagged our daughter and started prepping her for the respirator, I took my husband’s hand and told him we need to pray. I realized right then and there “I couldn’t fix this, and I can’t control the outcome of this.” All I can do is rely on my Lord Jesus Christ. He was the only One who could save our daughter. No medicine could guarantee her survival. But having hope, prayer and belief in God will give us the best option for her to live.

Now those that know me, I like to be organized and in control of things. So with this situation I had no control and I had to surrender my heart to the Lord completely. I had no control over this AT ALL and that scared me at first. However, after we prayed together, I realized that letting go of the worry for my baby just changed my attitude. I decided to praise God in advance for healing her. That stressful burden was lifted because I let God take control of the situation.

Can you honestly try that?

I know it’s hard. But how can you be a believer and not let God take on something so near and dear to your heart? As the medical team was focused on my daughter, I took a deep breath, thanked the Lord and gave all control over to Him. What a weight that was lifted from my mind. Giving up that control actually made me think more clearer and obtain a more positive attitude towards our situation. The anxiety and fear just left my mind at the moment and I knew that my baby would live. As it says in 1Peter 5:7, “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.” How comforting is that? God cares for you so much, He’s willing to take away the worries and handle it for you. 

So remember my friend, you cannot move forward in a crisis without giving full control to the Lord. That’s what He is there for. God is there to love you, comfort you and be there when no one else can handle it, including you. 

Anyone else gave up control of something and gave it to God? How did that make you feel? Comment below.  

Be Blessed & Be Encouraged,



Jessi Morgan

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